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A Powerful Symbol for More Efficient Construction: Matthäi Group x Instagrid

“Ever since our welders got Instagrid ONE, I no longer have to worry about whether we're using a generator or a battery – the guys can get through the whole day on a single charge. It's perfect for PE welding.”

– Warnke and Gerken, subsidiaries of the Matthäi Group

The collaboration between the Matthäi Group and Instagrid has begun – over the past three months, the Matthäi Group has been thoroughly utilising our devices and successfully putting them through their paces in everyday use. As one of Germany's leading construction companies with over 70 locations, the Matthäi Group trusts in the Instagrid ONE portable power supply.

With Instagrid as a powerful and flexible power alternative, Matthäi was able to replace conventional generators to successfully operate camera towers, demolition hammers, and welding equipment efficiently and sustainably. The Matthäi Group is setting a strong example for greater efficiency and sustainability in the construction industry with Instagrid's innovative technology.

This partnership demonstrates how forward-thinking solutions can tackle real challenges on construction sites, providing a reliable power supply exactly where and when it is needed.

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Want to learn more about another impactful Instagrid partnership? Read more here.