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Mobile power supply without emissions – Technische Dienste Ludwigsburg tests instagrid ONE max

Technische Dienste Ludwigsburg – the city of Ludwigsburg’s technical service unit – tested the instagrid ONE max in their everyday work and were highly impressed by the performance. TDL is part of the EU LIFE Clean Air Project, a pilot project where instagrid portable power systems are tested in different European cities to decrease city local emissions.

Non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) causes 15% of all nitrogen oxide emissions and 5% of particulate matter (EEA and EPA). A major part of the non-road mobile machinery consists of combustion and diesel generators; replacing them with portable battery systems, nitrogen oxide emissions and particulate matters can be decreased tremendously. With the EU LIFE Clean Air Project, we are testing can portable battery systems replace generators in performance, while decreasing direct emissions tremendously. In 2021, we will test 100 portable battery systems with 20 different partners from the construction sector in eight European countries.

At TDL, instagrid battery systems were already tested in practical applications. In their daily work, TDL is responsible for city cleaning, green maintenance, maintenance of traffic routes, street lighting and traffic technology, as well as winter and clearing services in Ludwigsburg.

TDL tested the instagrid prototype in two settings: setting new post bases, and drilling holes for poles. When setting post bases by screwing them into the ground, TDL has previously had to use a generator that weighs 45 kilograms. This conventional generator produces a considerable amount of exhaust gases, loud noises, and must be moved by at least two people. instagrid ONE max was able to power the entire process – completely without direct emissions and any noise.

instagrid ONE Max powering a concrete drill

One of TDL’s current projects takes place at an indoor sporting arena, Rundsporthalle Ludwigsburg. Currently, they are drilling holes with a diameter of 300mm and a depth of 400mm for poles. Normally, they have used a combustion generator to power the diamond core drill used for the job. The diamond core drill, DD 250, has four gears for drilling. The current generator failed when using the drill on the third gear, but with instagrid ONE max they could easily run the drill with all gears, which meant they got the job done much faster. With one full instagrid ONE max, TDL was able to drill 8 holes (⌀ 300mm, depth of 400mm) through asphalt and concrete.

In addition to these applications, the instagrid battery was also used to power an angle grinder in order to clear an accident site by cutting through car parts.

instagrid ONE Max powering an asphalt cutter
Instagrid ONE Max being used in a welding site

The series of tests as part of the EU LIFE Clean Air project will start this spring. By the end of the project, in July 2022, instagrid portable battery system is expected to replace a total of 30,000 fuel-powered generators on the market.

Read more about the instagrid product