instagrid - GDPR Application - Instagrid

instagrid GmbH is aware of the importance of your data and is committed to protecting their privacy and security. Therefore, it is important for us to provide you, as data subjects, with the information relating to the processing of your personal data in an integrated and practical manner in this Information notice concerning the protection of personal data.

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 679/2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter GDPR Regulation), instagrid GmbH has the obligation to process personal data securely for the general purposes specified herein in the context of providing the services you receive through our App.

Please read this Information Notice and submit any requests for details to the contact details below: or

1. Legal basis and purposes for which we collect and process your personal data.

We process your personal data in order to lawfully provide you with the services offered via our App.

Your refusal to submit your personal data to us and to allow us to process them may result in us being unable to provide the services we offer, i.e. you will be unable to use our App. You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data but the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of data processing carried out on the basis of consent prior to the withdrawal.

The purposes for which we process your personal data are the following:

Fulfilment of the Contract: registration in the App and use of certain features made available through our App.

Fulfilling our legal obligations: fulfilling our legal obligations with regard to archiving, security, keeping accounting records and other obligations imposed on use by certain legislation.

Dispute resolution: Where disputes arise between you and us that we cannot resolve amicably, we may process your personal data for the establishment, exercise or defense of a right.

Surveys: conducting surveys and asking you questions in order to obtain your opinion on our services;

Improving our products and services: identifying potential problems with our existing services in order to improve them; testing improvements to our services; dealing with your complaints.

2. What personal data do we process about you?

2.1. Data voluntarily provided by you as a User of the App: first name, last name, email address, your location, access to the camera of your device (for access to the phone's camera you will be asked for consent at each access, and your refusal of access does not affect the functionality of the App) and Bluetooth.

2.2. Data collected automatically by the App: When you access an App, you provide certain information about yourself, such as the time of your visit, the location from which the App was accessed. This data does not disclose your specific identity (such as your name) but may include device data and usage information, such as device features, operating system, language preferences, device name, country, location and other technical data. Such data are necessary primarily to maintain the security and operation of our App and for our internal analytics. 

3. To whom will we disclose your data?

In order to achieve one or more of the above purposes, we may disclose your personal data to our contractual partners, employees and external collaborators, public authorities, accountants, auditors, lawyers or other external professional advisors, courts of law in the event of possible disputes.

The disclosure of personal data is done on the basis of an undertaking of confidentiality given by them, which guarantees that these data are kept secure and that the provision of this personal information is carried out in accordance with the legislation in force.

When we use a natural or legal person as a processor of personal data, we will ensure that they have entered into a written document with us whereby they undertake to process personal data only in accordance with our written instructions and to effectively implement measures to protect the confidentiality and ensure the security of personal data.

This application uses the web analysis service provided by Google Analytics. This is a web traffic analysis service provided by Google Inc ("Google"). The information generated by the cookie is transmitted to Google and stored on servers and IT systems in the USA. Google uses this information to track visitors or users of the application, to compile reports on application activities for application administrators and to provide other services related to application activities. Google may also transmit this information to third parties if this is required by law or if these third parties process the aforementioned information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with other data held by Google. By using this application, you consent to the processing of your browsing data by Google for the above purposes and using the above methods.

You can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate option for you, but note that if you do this you may not benefit from the full functionality of this application. By accepting the use of cookies when using this application, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes stated above.

See Google's privacy page for more information.

In the event of a breach of the notification obligation regarding a possible transfer of ownership of the battery according to the terms and conditions of use of the application, we inform you that the history of your personal data may be accessed by the new user owner of the application/users non-owners accessing the battery through the app.

4. What are your rights in relation to the processing of personal data?

The right to be informed about the processing of your personal data, according to the law;

The right of access means that you have the right to obtain confirmation from us whether or not we process your data, and if so, to be given access to such data and information about how it is processed.

The right to erasure means that you have the right at any time to obtain the erasure of personal data processed in any of the following situations: the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed; you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for the processing; you object to the processing; the data have been processed unlawfully; the data needs to be erased to comply with a statutory obligation or the collection was made in connection with the provision of services by the information company.

The right to rectification means that you have the right to request the rectification of your personal data if they are inaccurate, including the right to complete incomplete personal data.

The right to refuse automated decision-making means that you have the right not to be the subject of a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, if you have not explicitly consented to this or if automated processing is not necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract.

The right to object means that you have the right to oppose the processing of your personal data in which case we will not continue to process personal data unless we can demonstrate a legitimate reason for processing that prevails over your interests and rights or if the processing is carried out on the basis of legal proceedings.

The right to portability refers to the fact that you have the right to obtain personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and the right to transfer such data to another controller.

The right to lodge a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing.

The right to take legal action in the event of violations of the relevant legislation.

You may exercise these rights by sending a notice to us at the following:

email address: or

5. How long will we store your data?

The retention period may be laid down by statutory acts governing the specific areas of activity, so that with regard to the storage of certain documents, we will comply with the retention periods laid down and imposed by the specific legislation.

6. Security of your data

We use our best endeavors to ensure the protection and security of your personal data from unauthorized disclosure or destruction. In particular, we have implemented the following measures to ensure the security of personal data:

Data minimization: We have ensured that your personal data that we process are limited to those that are necessary, appropriate and relevant for the purposes stated in this document.

Specific technical measures: We have acquired and use technologies to ensure the security of your personal data, such as the use of email and password-based login systems, we conduct security audits of the IT systems we use, we train our staff to comply with the security of your data, we enter into agreements with external collaborators to ensure that they, in turn, respect the personal data they may come into possession of, where possible and appropriate to our activity, we anonymize/sudo-anonymize the personal data we process.

Although we take all reasonable steps to ensure the security of your data, we cannot guarantee the absence of any security breach or the impossibility of intrusion into security systems. In the unfortunate and unlikely event that such breach occurs, we will follow all legal procedures to mitigate the effects and inform the data subjects.


We use the term "cookies" to refer to cookies and similar technologies through which information can be collected automatically.

An "Internet Cookie" (term also known as "browser cookie" or "HTTP cookie" or "cookie") is a small file, consisting of letters and numbers, which will be stored on the computer, mobile terminal or other equipment of a user through which the Internet is accessed.

Cookies are installed through the request issued by a web server to a browser (eg: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome). Once installed, cookies have a fixed lifetime, remaining "passive", in the sense that they do not contain software, viruses or spyware and will not access the information on the hard drive of the user on whose equipment they were installed.

As we said before (See point 3 Information related to Google Analytics) certain sections of content can be provided through third parties, these representing cookies placed by third parties ("third party cookies").

Third-party providers of cookies must also comply with the data protection rules and the Privacy Policy available on this website.

The only cookie we use for this App comes from Google Analytics.

Thank you!

Last update: 30.03.2023