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instagrid ONE max emergency services

The Instagrid ONE max – portable power reinvented for emergency services

Anyone who works in the emergencies services knows that you sometimes need electricity at short notice and the grid isn’t always available. High-performance electric devices are typically powered by generators, which have several drawbacks. These include performance issues, their weight, size, and their high emissions.

The Instagrid ONE max battery system offers a superior alternative to traditional generators. The fire department in Karlsruhe Germany has had the opportunity to test the Instagrid ONE max over a six-month period and is enthusiastic about the results.

Better performance, no direct emissions

The high-performance fans that fire departments use require a starting current that even over-sized generators struggle to produce. “The Instagrid ONE max takes care of these starting currents without flinching.” – says Joachim Pech, the deputy head of the technology department at the Karlsruhe fire department. With a continuous power of 3,600 W and a peak power output of 18,000 W, the Instagrid ONE max is an emission-free alternative to a 6 kVA generator.

Better mobility

The further your mission takes you away from the power grid, the more challenging it becomes to lay long cables. This is not only time-consuming; the cables themselves can be a tripping hazard.

A generator typically weighs 60 to 90 kg and has to be carried by at least two people. This increases the manpower needed to set up the infrastructure. “Rolling out whole cable drums is a thing of the past”, says Pech. He notes that ONE max weighs around the same as a single 25 m cable drum, 20kg, and can be carried by just one person.

Better working conditions

Combustion generators typically produce around 80 to 100 dB of noise. The Instagrid ONE max, on the other hand, is silent, creating healthier working environment for emergency staff.

The Instagrid ONE max exceeds the requirements of protection class IP54, which is an important feature for the emergency services. It is passively cooled via aluminum housing, which means that it contains no fans or moving parts and is unaffected by dust or moisture.

Come visit us at the Florian trade fair!

Joachim Pech describes the Instagrid ONE max as “the greatest innovation for the fire brigade in recent years.” It isn’t hard to see why.

If you would like to see the Instagrid ONE max in action and have an opportunity to talk to our sales representatives, come visit us at FLORIAN 2023 in Dresden, the Trade Fair for Fire Brigades, Civil Protection and Disaster Control. We’ll be in hall 2, stand A10.

instagrid ONE max Karlsruhe